NGO Education Survey

Australian National University

Contact Information:

Australian National University
Australian Capital Territory 0200
Australia and New Zealand

Tel: +61 2 6125 5111

ANTH6009 Culture and Development
Credit Bearing: 6 Units
Level: Postgraduate

This course examines mainstream and alternative concepts of development by focusing on development issues and case studies located in so-called Third World countries.

ANTH8058 Inequality and Development
Credit Bearing: 6 Units
Level: Postgraduate

The course is aimed at students with little previous exposure to or background in economics and builds upon Masters coursework that examines critical and alternative approaches to development.

Global Civil Society and the Role of NGOs 1
Credit Bearing: 6 units
Level: Postgraduate

This course explores the contested concept of global civil society and its relevance to the study of contemporary world politics. It begins by mapping the various interpretations of what constitutes civil society and the actors within it. Against this conceptual background, special attention will be given to the role and effectiveness of international non-governmental organisations (NGOs). By taking a bottom-up approach to solving problems on a global scale, these organisations are often seen as a substitute for inter-state diplomacy as well as a corrective to the failures of global capitalism. The aim of this course will be to critically assess the potential for such organisations to act as a 'third force' in international politics. To this end, the course will address the participation of NGOs at international forums, the relationship between NGOs and donor institutions, and the wider representative role of NGOs within society. The final part of the course will investigate the activities of NGOs in relation to key issues such as women's rights, humanitarian intervention, development and environmental degradation. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion, students will have the knowledge and skills to: This course will provide students with the necessary conceptual and analytical tools to critically evaluate the evolution of civil society at the global level. Students will also learn to apply their new knowledge and skills to an empirical case study and in so doing develop their capacity to research new issues.

IDEC8007 Aid and Development Policy
Credit Bearing: 6 Units
Level: Postgraduate

The course will introduce students to available analysis and the debates around overseas development assistance and other policy tools which rich countries can use, either intentionally or inadvertently, to promote or hinder development in poor countries.

Program Information:

ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Department of International Relations

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: Master of Laws in Law, Governance and Development
Title: Within this context, the ANU Master of Laws in Law, Governance and Development examines the role of law in promoting social and economic development, and offers a critical analysis of the reform agenda and its theoretical foundations.

Credit Hours: 1 Year Full Time

Degree: Bachelor of Development Studies
Level: Undergraduate

Credit Hours: 144

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

Bachelor of Development Studies: Upon successful completion of a Bachelor of Development Studies, graduates will be able to: identify the theory and principles of development analyse the practice of development through multilateral, bilateral, government and non-government agencies. recall critical development issues in particular regions of the South engage in one of the social science disciplines or a language other than English

None available