NGO Education Survey

Batchelor Institute

Contact Information:

Batchelor Institute
Cnr Awilla Rd and Nurndina Crescent
Northern Territory 0845
Australia and New Zealand

Tel: +61 1800 677 095

HLTAHW023 Plan, develop and evaluate health promotion and community development programs

This unit describes the required skills and knowledge to organise, deliver and evaluate a health promotion program to address identified needs in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities. This unit includes designing, structuring and evaluating the effectiveness of health promotion activities for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities.

ASSCW303 Practices and skills in community development
Credit Bearing: Undergraduate
Level: 10 Credits

In this unit students will explore and identify different kinds of social and community change and opportunities for and ways of participating in and influencing such processes. Students will develop their understanding of their role as community work practitioners by examining the different approaches, practices and skills required to make decisions that support structural changes in communities.

BEH202 Community Development
Credit Bearing: Undergraduate
Level: 10 Credits

The aim of this unit is to develop the capacity of students to critique and improve practice in environmental conflict situations, environmental policy and environmental and land management from a sociological perspective. This unit will introduce students to concepts such as social stratification, community, the state and civil society, gender, conflict and consensus and apply these to contemporary forms of environmental management and policy practice such as community participation and consultation, regulation and planning, and the use of economic and market instruments.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: BASEH Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Health)
Level: Undergraduate
Title: Bachelor's Degree

Credit Hours: 3 Year Course - 24 Units

Environmental health infrastructure, risk management, community capacity building, sustainable development, housing and construction, project planning and legislative requirements for professional practice are covered in the course.

  • HLT40213 Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice
  • HLT40113 Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care
  • CHC30112 Certificate III in Community Services Work
  • CHC10108 Certificate I in Work Preparation (Community Services)
  • CHC20112 Certificate II in Community Services

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information