NGO Education Survey

Curtin University

Contact Information:

Curtin University
Main Campus Location
Kent Street
Western Australia 6102
Australia and New Zealand

Tel: +61 8 9266 9266
Fax: +61 8 9266 3131

HRIG5001 (v.1) Human Rights and Development
Credit Bearing: 25 Credits

This unit explores development by critiquing dominant models of economic development and exploring the relationship of human rights to development issues and development practice. It also focuses on colonialism and anti-colonialist practice; human rights abuses of Indigenous populations in the name of "development"; Indigenous understandings of human rights and challenges to colonialist development; human rights, development and environmental issues; gender and development; and the role of international financial and trade institutions in development.

MGMT5024 (v.1) Organisational Change and Development
Credit Bearing: 25 Credits

The knowledge, skills and understanding of theories, models, strategies, techniques and instruments involved in analysing organisational problems related to change. Planning, implementing and evaluating organisational change and development. Knowledge and skills on the overall process of organisational change and development. Practical experience in analysing organisational problems and in planning, implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of organisational change and improvement programs.

OCCT6002 (v.1) Community Based Rehabilitation and Development
Credit Bearing: 25 Credits

The unit engages students in critical evaluation and thinking about occupational therapy knowledge and skills within a person environment occupation (PEO) framework. Students apply principles of community development and community based rehabilitation, in developed and developing communities, both locally and internationally.

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information