NGO Education Survey

Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Contact Information:

Postgraduate Secretary

Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
Economic Sciences
Centro Universitario, Ciudad de Mendoza
Mendoza CP M5502JMA
Latin America and the Caribbean

Tel: (0261) 449 4009

Charging and regulation of public services
Level: Postgraduate

Module initiatives for improvement in public financial management: public sector reform

Finance and economy of the public sector
Level: Postgraduate

Financial management of the general public sector
Level: Postgraduate

Specific training module: public budget systems

Government accounting
Level: Postgraduate

Public Administration
Level: Postgraduate

Public control systems
Level: Postgraduate

Public credit systems
Level: Postgraduate

Public investment systems
Level: Postgraduate

Public sector finance
Level: Postgraduate

Quality management in the public sector
Level: Postgraduate

Solvency, sustainability and financial / fiscal transparency
Level: Postgraduate

Strategic planning and management
Level: Postgraduate

Superior public and administrative law
Level: Postgraduate

Systems of contracting and administration of goods
Level: Postgraduate

Treasury systems
Level: Postgraduate

Program Information:

Economic Sciences
Masters in Financial Management of the Public Sector

Degree and Certificate Information

No degrees listed.
No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information

None available