NGO Education Survey

Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento

Contact Information:

José Luis Coraggio

Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento
Juan María Gutiérrez 115
Malvinas Argentinas
Buenos Aires
Latin America and the Caribbean

Tel: (54-11) 4469-7753 / 44.

Module 1: Keys for interpreting contemporary socioeconomic issues
Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing/Graduate

Keys and criteria for diagnosis of contemporary social issues from a critical approach to conventional looks that inspire most socioeconomic interventions and public policies in this area. Changes in the world of work, business and the state, as the basis for the search for alternatives uncertainty in an epochal transition world system. The issue of substantive rationality and how to build it. Approaching the concept of social economy and solidarity. Strategic hypothesis that frames the overall development of the course

Module 2: Social Policy and Social Economy
Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing/Graduate

Social policy and the problem of the production and reproduction of social life. The social production (in society and collective) of the living conditions. The "problems social "as problems of intervention: the" social question ", poverty, the order, the well as organizers of the sense of the interventions. The labor market as institutionalized social relations and social policies and regulation. The developing the concept of "protection" of the work. Models of social policy regimes and specific institutions. The issue of social needs. Social policies as a field of disputes. The commodification-decommodification of needs, assets and workforce. The concept of solidarity and socio-cultural construction: its development, types, logical solidarity and constitutive role of policy models social. Problematization from the social economy

Module 3: From Popular Economics Labor Economics
Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing/Graduate

The concept of mixed economy: capitalist business economics, public economics, popular economy. Home economics play. The micro, meso and macro. The popular economy. The micro and associative forms autonomous organization of work. The problem of sustainability. Institutions and values ​​in the economy. Mass behaviors, learning and dissemination. Needs, satisfiers and social resources. Different types of market. The For networks of exchange and local currencies. The traditional social economy, the solidarity economy, social enterprise, third sector, philanthropy and volunteerism social. Labour Economics and surround resignificadora of different variants. The new technological paradigm focused on knowledge and information and their chances for Social Economics / Labor. Groups of agents alternative economy. Diffusion processes and learning experiences in the popular economy. The slopes of the social economy and the perspective from the Latin American periphery

Module 4: Actors and Practices of the Social Economy
Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing/Graduate

Institutional political dimensions of the crisis of the social system. New Players emerging proposals and changes in government in Latin America. The various ways in the relationship between society and state. The notion of civil society. The emergence of new forms of collective action. Social movements new ways of thinking and doing politics. The conceptualization of "public" as an area of concerted action between state and social institutions. News local participatory practices. Relationship between economics and politics in perspective of the social economy as a practical expression of the counter- existing capitalism

Module 5:Local development and its role in the construction program in another economy
Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing/Graduate

Critical presentation of ideas relating to local development. Review of visions on changes in the role of government at various levels arket (globalization, differentiation and exclusion) and society (new players collective). Analysis of the concepts "local" and "territory". The paradigm of development and Scales processes. A change of perspective: the struggle for local competitiveness participation in a national development strategy from the local. Program the social economy as ordering view of the action. Coordination socio-political and economic initiatives as a condition of development. Systems territorial production and reproduction: actors, characters, conflicts and alliances. The degrees of freedom of the agents in the territory and the role of the organized community. Types of trade relations and market types. Participatory management and provision of public goods as a condition of sustainability. Markets as political construction. Development of production and consumption paths. Keys for participation and involvement (decentralization), the m

Module 6: Workshop Group Integration
Credit Bearing: Credit Bearing/Graduate

From the presentation of a case, we return the theoretical concepts of the five previous modules, building a matrix of criteria for interpreting and formulating strategic intervention in the short, medium and long term

Program Information:

No programs listed.

Degree and Certificate Information


Degree: MAES
Level: Graduate

Working Language: Castilian

Degree: MA
Level: Graduate
Title: Master of Social Economy

Working Language: Castilian

No certificates listed.

Information on Training and Other Services

None listed

Additional Information