Seton Hall University

SHU Badge Awards for Nikki Doriety

Displayed below are awards that Nikki has made public.

AwardDescriptionCriteriaPointsDate Awarded

IPE Module 1: Professionalism
Badge for completing the School of Health and Medical Sciences' IPE Module 1: Professionalism.

Issued by Center for Interprofessional Education in the Health Sciences - School of Health and Medical Sciences.

Recipient has completed the IPE Module 1: Professionalism, sponsored by the Center for Interprofessional Education in the Health Sciences, School of Health and Medical Sciences ( Unit 1: Professional Communication Unit 2: Professional Relationships Unit 3: Professional Ethics Learning Objectives - Student will be able to: 1. Recognize situations that demonstrate a lack of professionalism. 2. Understand why a situation lacks professionalism, and what the allied health care professional’s role is in reporting issues of professionalism. 3. Generate solutions to prevent, manage and/or rectify issues in professionalism. 1 Jan. 15, 2019, 10:49 pm
Nikki Doriety has earned 1 badge not displayed here.

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